Wednesday, April 13, 2011

spring cleaning

if you've ever wondered what happens to all of the notes in the western wall,
they're taken out with sticks
and swept into trash bags.

in other news, i went to the jerusalem zoo to see the animals indigenous to israel:
 and reindeer.

happy erev spring break and hag sameach!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

oh! the places you'll go

three weeks ago: purim in israel
purim is like a jewish halloween: costumes, candy, and street parties.

purim in tel aviv
butterflies, or parpars if you will
shushan purim in jerusalem
megillah reading at the kotel
two weeks ago: shabbat in tzfat
tzfat is the home of kabbalah and jewish mysticism.
kaballah blah blah art
kaballah blah blah artist
last week: weekend in haifa and akko
haifa is a northern port city and akko is an ancient walled city.
baha'i gardens in haifa
view of haifa from akko
just the view from prison
and the tunnels. of doom.

falafel count: 0
(i gave up falafels for lent. ironic, i know.)